Lessons Learned: A Post-Project Review

Delivering a project is a key time for reflecting on the time spent and the learnings from the work you have undertaken.

Some reflections on my recently completed project, reminding me that these points apply all the time ..

You don’t need perfection but you do need more than just progress

The balance between having something to show for the work vs waiting for all ducks to be in a row is a regular challenge. Ultimately, each project is different. You should be able to define early on in a project what are the critical elements to get right prior to any launch or roll-out.

Legacy always needs challenging

The situation of legacy being a blocker for change will always raise its head. What has gone before does not necessarily need changing but it does require scrutiny to weed the wheat from the chaff.

Scope creep is normally negative but can be necessary

Usually boundary-setting is very important however there are times when you identify interdependancies that require attention in order to ensure success of the project. Allow that to happen.

Culture eats plans for breakfast

Ultimately any kind of change requires a shift in the culture of the company. Without this shift the change is unlikely to gain the traction required to take hold, regardless of the completeness of the planning.

Be part of the team

A client company that embraces a consultant as part of the leadership team is showing that they are being open to change. Being recognised as a part of the organisation rather than an ‘outsider’ smoothes the path of influence and persuasion.

Leadership skills always make the difference

Driving any initiative or change through an organisation requires the alignment and leadership skills of the management team. Focus must always be given to each of the people leader levels to ensure fit for purpose.

In conclusion, conducting a post-project review is an essential step in project management that can help you learn from past experiences and improve future projects.

By evaluating the project's performance against its goals and objectives, identifying successes and areas for improvement, and documenting lessons learned, you can gain valuable insights that will guide your future projects.

Remember to trust the process, start with the data, and draw conclusions from it. Well-honed observations from your experience add the flavour to the post-project review in order that you are well-equipped to tackle your next project with confidence.

Optimise can support your organisation in all of these areas. Feel free to have a no-obligation call to chat about your own challenges, book HERE

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