Changing the Norm Values in an Organisation

Organisational culture is the personality of an organisation, and it is comprised of the values, beliefs, behaviours, and norms that shape how people work together. The culture of an organisation is critical to its success, and it is essential to maintain it, especially during times of change. However, there are times when the culture of an organisation needs to change to adapt to new circumstances. In this blog post, we will explore how to change the norm values in an organisation.

Why Change Norm Values?

Norms are the unwritten rules that people follow in an organisation. They are the behaviours and actions that are considered acceptable and expected. Norms can be positive or negative, and they can have a significant impact on the culture of an organisation. Changing the norm values in an organisation can be necessary for several reasons, including:

  • Adapting to new circumstances

  • Improving performance

  • Addressing toxic behaviors

  • Aligning with the organization's mission and values

How to Change Norm Values

Changing the norm values in an organisation is not an easy task. It requires a deliberate and intentional effort to shift the behaviours and actions that are considered acceptable and expected. Here are some steps to take when changing norm values in an organisation:

  1. Define the new norm values: The first step in changing norm values is to define the new behaviors and actions that are considered acceptable and expected. This requires a clear understanding of the organisation's mission, values, and goals.

  2. Communicate the new norm values: Once the new norm values have been defined, it is essential to communicate them to everyone in the organisation. This can be done through training, workshops, and other forms of communication.

  3. Lead by example: Leaders in the organisation must lead by example and model the new norm values. This means that they must demonstrate the behaviours and actions that are considered acceptable and expected.

  4. Reinforce the new norm values: It is important to reinforce the new norm values regularly. This can be done through recognition and rewards for those who demonstrate the new behaviours and actions.


A culture of a business embed norms over time and can end up being less than positive.

Businesses often get stuck in a cultural and/or practical rut.  This is especially harmful to the sales organisation.

For people to adhere to changed expectations or ways of doing this their norm values need to change to allow it. Norm values are what people are used to in terms of behaviours and actions.

Where there is a toxic culture or even toxic micro-cultures, individuals get a set of norm values which fall below the expectations of a performing organisation.

Changing the norm values in an organisation is a challenging but necessary task. It requires a deliberate and intentional effort to shift the behaviours and actions that are considered acceptable and expected. By defining the new norm values, communicating them, leading by example, and reinforcing them, organisations can successfully change their culture and adapt to new circumstances.

Optimise can support your organisation in all of these areas. Feel free to have a no-obligation call to chat about your own challenges, book HERE

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