Remote Selling and Virtual Collaboration: Adapting Sales Strategies in the Digital Era
Remote Working Jo Andrews Remote Working Jo Andrews

Remote Selling and Virtual Collaboration: Adapting Sales Strategies in the Digital Era

Working remotely as a salesperson is not exactly a new concept but in recent times remote or virtual working has become such a topical issue. The pandemic has brought about a significant shift in the way businesses operate. Remote selling and virtual collaboration have become the new norm and, if they didn’t do it before, sales leaders need to adapt to this new way of doing business. The difference now is that often the sales targets are also remote, changing the dynamic of the sales effort. With the right tools and skills, sales teams can effectively engage with prospects and clients virtually. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of the pandemic on remote work and virtual collaboration and discuss how sales leaders can equip their teams to succeed in this new environment.

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