Sales Infrastructure change: 5 Steps for Successful User Adoption and Training


Sales infrastructure change is an essential aspect of any organization that wants to stay ahead of the competition. However, implementing such changes can be challenging, especially when it comes to user adoption and training. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best practices for driving change management, user adoption, and training in sales infrastructure.

Steps to Drive Change Management and Sales Tool Adoption

Driving change through an organisation can be a tricky task, especially if you're trying to maintain some of the traditions and values that have been in place for a long time. It's important to understand that change can be difficult for people, and if you don't take their feelings into account, it can lead to resistance and even failure. I've got five steps that can help you push through these challenges.  

Change Management and Adoption Strategies

In this section, we will have a look at some other strategies for managing change and effectively adopting new strategies for your organisation. We'll also discuss the potential roadblocks that can impede progress and offer actionable solutions to overcome them.

Develop a Change Management Plan

A change management plan with a clear action plan ensures smooth rollouts and alignment with stakeholder and end-user expectations - critical to the successful rollout of any new technology in an organisation. Being considered with these efforts will go some way to ensure user adoption and satisfaction.

Communicate the Change to Stakeholders

Effective change communication means bringing people along, informing people beforehand and addressing any misconceptions. All IT change management processes should focus on the human side of the technology transition and what we need to do to prepare, equip, and support smooth adoption.

Use Champions to Drive Adoption

If you want to get everyone on board with a big change, you need a group of people who are really committed to making it happen. These people can be your champions, who will help spread the word and get everyone excited about the new thing. But you also need someone who knows what they're doing to make sure everything goes smoothly. It's all about prioritising the people side of things and making sure everyone feels good about the change. The change message is sometimes easier to absorb from a peer/user rather than someone from leadership.

Provide Ongoing Support and Maintenance

It is important to keep giving support and taking care of things to make sure users can always get help when they need it. When it comes to change, communicating is key. If we can be really effective with our communication, everyone will know what to expect and any misunderstandings or challenges can be addressed.

Continuously Improve the Adoption Process

Finally, it is essential that you keep working on making the adoption process better. In doing this, you can identify areas that need improvement and adjust your approach as needed. Understanding and anticipating your sales team’s resistance will allow you to proactively lead from a place of compassion and empathy.

These are all essential strategies for successful change management and adoption. By following these strategies, organisations can drive change management, user adoption, and training, and achieve better business outcomes.

Some common challenges when implementing sales infrastructure changes

When implementing sales infrastructure changes, there are several common challenges that organisations may face. These are some to consider:

To deal with these challenges, companies can do things like figuring out what they really need and picking out smart tools. Getting people excited and ready for the changes, making sure everyone is trained up and supported, and keeping track of how well everything is going all help make the implementation a success. Also, companies can make sure their tech tools all work together like a well-oiled machine, figure out what sets their products apart from the rest, and have a clear idea of what they want their sales tech to achieve.  

Strategies for sales leaders to address resistance during a sales infrastructure change

Resistance to change is a common challenge when implementing sales infrastructure changes. Here are some strategies that sales leaders can use to address resistance to change:

  1. Anticipate resistance: the main tactic is clearly recognising that there will actually be resistance. Understanding and anticipating your sales team’s resistance will allow you to proactively lead from a place of compassion and empathy.

  2. Create a sense of urgency: people are more likely to embrace change when they understand why it's necessary.

  3. Communicate clearly: it has been said multiple times but make sure everyone knows what the change entails and what the benefits are.

  4. Involve employees: allow individuals to voice their opinions and be part of the decision-making process.

  5. Address objections: identify potential objections up front and have a plan in place to address them.

  6. Motivate problem people: shift the responsibility for motivation from boss to subordinate and have open conversations to address any issues.

  7. Maintain open communication: encourage feedback and look for ways to make the transition easier for employees.

By using these strategies, sales leaders can address resistance to change proactively and implement sales infrastructure changes successfully. By following the best practices outlined in this post, organisations can drive change management, user adoption, and training to achieve their business outcomes.

Creating a Training Plan for User Adoption

Creating a training plan is critical throughout the change process to ensure successful user adoption. Here are some tips to help you create an effective training plan:

Identify the Training Objectives

Training objectives are the predetermined and measurable outcomes that your employees are expected to achieve after completing a training program. It is crucial to analyse what you want to achieve through training before setting your training objectives.

Determine the Training Audience

Determine the training audience before creating a training plan. The training audience can include employees, managers, and external users. This helps to set the language and tone required.

Choose the Right Training Format

Choosing the right training format is essential to ensure that the training is effective. The training format can include classroom training, online training, or on-the-job training. Assessing training needs identifies employees' current level of competency, skill, or knowledge in different areas and compares that competency.

Develop the Training Content

The training content should be tailored to the specific needs of your employees, identification is possible through different analytical procedures.

Determine the Training Schedule

The training schedule should be tailored to the specific needs of your employees. The rapid evolution of new technology makes it challenging for organisations to maintain their foothold in the increasingly competitive landscape, but regularity of identification of needs and having regular training interventions can go a long way to maintaining adoption.

Identify the Training Resources

The training resources can include trainers, training materials, and training facilities. It is essential to consider the cost of training and development programs.

Provide Ongoing Training and Support

The ongoing training and support can include refresher courses and on-the-job training but it is essential to have a post-rollout strategy that keeps momentum elevated.

Use Feedback to Improve the Training Plan

Using feedback to improve the training plan is critical to ensure that the training remains effective. The feedback can be used to identify areas that need improvement and adjust the training plan as needed. Users should be actively encouraged to learn and provide feedback.

Encourage User Participation

Better training objectives come with a better understanding of what a company has to offer in terms of its product or service offering. User participation can include asking questions, participating in group discussions, and completing assignments.

Provide Incentives for User Adoption

By no means essential but there is the opportunity to use Incentives that can include bonuses, promotions, and recognition, to encourage employees to learn and adopt new technologies.

Consider Training for External Users

Finally, it is important to consider training for external users. External users can include customers, partners, and vendors, important to ensure that they can use the technology effectively.

Creating an effective training plan is critical to ensure successful user adoption. By employing some or all of the strategies we have discussed, you can ease the change process and get the most impact from the positive changes you are making.


In conclusion, implementing sales infrastructure changes can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it is possible to achieve successful user adoption and training impact. It is important to remember that change is inevitable, especially in the business world, and following an articulated change management plan can help organisations adapt to new circumstances, technologies, processes, or strategies

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